General Assembly meeting
Announcement to the shareholders of Ibn Al-Haytham Hospital Company to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting
Dear Shareholders
After Greetings ,
Pursuant to the provisions of Defense Law No. (13) for the year 1992 and Defense Order No. (5) for the year 2020, and the procedures issued by His Excellency the Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply on 4/9/2020 according to the above defense order and his approval to convene the meeting of the General Assembly through visual and electronic means of communication, The Board of Directors is pleased to invite you to attend the Ordinary General Assembly meeting, which will be held at twelve o'clock noon on Monday corresponding to 10/04/2023 for the company's shareholders, through the electronic link published on the company's website mentioned below, which provides a means of visual communication for shareholders, in order to consider the following matters and take the appropriate decisions regarding them:
1- Reading the minutes of the regular General Assembly meeting held on 04/22/2024.
2- Vote on the Board of Directors’ report for the period ending on 12/31/2024 and the future plan.
3- Vote on and approve the financial statements and income statement for the period ending on 12/31/2024.
4- Discharge the Board of Directors from their liabilities for the year 2024 within the limits of the provisions of the law.
5- Electing the company’s auditors for the fiscal year 2025, determining his fees, and/or authorizing the Board of Directors to determine his fees.
Please attend this meeting through the electronic link (
published on the company’s website ( or by appointing another shareholder on your behalf, by filling out the attached voucher and signing it, provided that it is sent electronically to the e-mail ( or to the number (0797120294) before The date specified for the meeting mentioned above.
It should be noted that every shareholder has the right to raise questions and inquiries electronically before the date specified for the meeting through the electronic link referred to above, so that they can be answered in accordance with the provisions of Clause Five/C of the procedures issued by His Excellency the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Supply, noting that a shareholder who holds shares of no less than For 10% of the shares represented at the meeting, he has the right to ask questions and inquiries during the meeting in support of Clause Five/I of the same procedures referred to above.
General Assembly meeting
Chairman of Board of Directors
Mrs. Hijra Muhammad Al-Faris Hammad
1- Annual Report :
Click Here .
2- Download the power of attorney slip (form of authorization to attend the meeting of the General Assembly):
Click Here .
Download the Advertisement image :
Click Here .