IVF and Advanced Genetics Center
IVF and Advanced Genetics Center
(IVF and advanced genetics center) in Ibn Al-Haytham hospital delivers latest treatment solutions and modern techniques in IVF field, it has:
IVF lab, where the following procedures are conducted:
- IUI (Intrauterine Insemination), which is the process of injecting the semen from husband into his wife’s uterus after its treatment in the andrology laboratory. Studies have shown that the success rate of this process is more than 20% for each attempt.
-DNA fragmentation test, which is a laboratory test that measures the level of DNA damage in sperm cells. High levels of DNA fragmentation can impede the success of (In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)) and lead to recurrent abortions.
- The FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration), which is the procedure of extracting sperms from the testicle or the epididymis using a needle, and it is performed under a local or general anesthesia.
- The "TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction)", which is the surgical extraction of sperms directly from the testicles, sometimes, it is performed simultaneously with egg retrieval from the wife for the purpose of microscopic sperm injection, it is also conducted for sperms’ preservation and freezing using liquid nitrogen for a long-term storage, this is often done when the semen lacks for sperms, or when the husband is a cancer patient and has to undergo for chemotherapy which can cause him infertility.
- The "Microdissection" procedure, which is technique used to search for sperm cells within the testicles using a microscope.
- The "Microscopic injection", which is a procedure in which a single sperm is injected directly into the ovum using a specialized microinjection device aiming at increasing chances of fertilization.
-The "Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI)", in this technique sperms are microscopically injected with the assistance of a magnifying lens, thus increasing the chances of selecting a sound sperm and elevating the probability of having a successful fertilization.
- “Vitrification”, which refers to the process of freezing embryos or eggs in order to use them in the future, this is done either due failure of conception, or for the purpose of repeating conception again.
The success rates of vitrification are high, ranging from 80% to 90%, which is attributed to the advanced devices and techniques the department obtains.
-The MSOME (Morphological Spermatozoa Maturation and Evaluation) test, it involves the dissection of the semen with the assistance of a magnifying lens to determine the internal structure of the sperm and to identify any abnormalities.
- The SFA (Semen Analysis) test, which is a diagnostic test performed on a semen sample to assess the quantity, quality, and morphology of sperms. It provides information about sperms’ count, motility, morphology, and viscosity levels.
- Using (laser assisted hatching) in order to increase the chances of conception.
- Transferring embryos after extended cultivation to the blastocyst stage.
- Freezing sperms after examination, and preserving them for more than 5 years
Genetic laboratory
Where the following procedures are conducted:
- Karyotyping, which refers to the analysis of chromosomes in order to assess their numbers and structures, it’ is performed via testing any of the following samples: - Blood samples - Amniotic fluid - Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) - Products of mis-conception,It’s worth saying that early diagnosis of certain defected chromosomes can be achieved within 48 hours of sample collection using the FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) technique.
-Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), which is a genetic test performed on embryos before they are transferred into the uterus. It includes determination of embryo’s gender and diagnosis of certain genetic chromosomal disorders.
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Our Doctors :
Dr. Hedaieh Al-husban